I’d like to share why I’ve chosen this journey. This path has become my calling and my passion. As a parent to an autistic boy, I can truly empathize with the emotions of others, their situations, and what they are going through.

I’ve had my fair share of moments where I felt isolated and even ashamed as a parent. I found myself comparing my child to others, constantly asking, “Why me?” or “Why my child?” Despite the incredible support network we had, these feelings persisted. I did everything in my power to support my son while also balancing the demands of being a parent, working, and, at one point, even being my son’s school aide. However, it all became overwhelming.

Through working with a Life Coach who was also trained in counseling and various therapies, I underwent a transformation. I became more optimistic about life and realized that therapy and coaching are not just for those with significant past traumas but are valuable for everyone’s overall well-being. Coaching and therapy helped me find balance in my life, enabling me to be an even better parent to my son.

My mission as a life coach and counseling hypnotherapist is to be a guiding light, a supportive presence, and a compassionate listener for others. I want to help them navigate the highs and lows of life, just as I have experienced, so they too can enjoy a more fulfilling life. You can also access my services through https://autismsfaithlifecoaching.ca/

Absolutely. Counselling and life coaching isn’t just for everyone having problems or crises. It can also be a powerful tool for personal growth, self-discovery, and enhancing overall well-being.

I am committed to ensuring that my clients achieve the best possible outcome. Given my background in counseling and hypnotherapy, I might focus on past experiences when necessary, based on what my client requires at the moment. Whether it’s through hypnotherapy or counseling, our focus will be on the present, guiding you to set realistic and achievable goals.

Counselors do this by asking powerful questions and holding space. Life coaching, hypnotherapy or root-cause therapy can also be very therapeutic within the counselling process. Counselling and hypnotherapy are used to support, encourage, challenge, and motivate you to achieve your goals. I take joy in helping you understand yourself or situation by helping you identify different events and areas in your or your loved ones life. This can help you gain the tools and strategies you need to achieve your goals and live a more balanced life. 

Note: During our consultation, we’ll need to confirm the counseling regulations in your area. This will help to determine the best approach to support you or your loved ones and guide you towards a more healthier and happier future whether it’s through counselling or coaching.

Sessions will be held either via zoom video conferencing or by telephone depending on your choice and what we are working on. Session times can range from 45-minutes to 60-minutes depending on client agenda

During our sessions, we explore the goals you have set and where you are now with those goals. We look at what you have tried and what has worked or what has been a struggle. We look at any blocks that may be in the way of you achieving these goals.

I will encourage, challenge, and motivate you to achieve your goals by exploring all the possible options.

You can book your sessions at whichever speed you can take actions to achieve your goals. Typically, I suggest three or 5 sessions for a better outcome.

After booking your first session, you will receive a welcome letter that will have some additional information, an intake form and agreement, and goal-sheet. Please fill, sign, and return the required documents to info@autismsfaithlifecoaching.ca prior to your first session.

Root-cause therapy is a form of talk-therapy with a trauma-healing approach. Root cause therapy focuses on the past and future by reassessing the event with your conscious, unconscious and subconscious mind thereby helping you find the solutions needed to heal.

This program works well for children that are verbal and able to understand and answer questions and can follow directions with or with out prompts.

Hypnotherapy can help you unlearn negative patterns and focus on a more positive and healthy state. Hypnotherapy is a way of communication with your subconscious mind for effective and positive changes. I apply my counselling skills to ensure that I provide the best outcome.

Hypnotherapy falls under a wide range of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. This may include root cause therapy. Please check with your insurance provider to know if you have this coverage. If not, you may be able to claim it under a healthcare spending account if you have that benefit. You might be able to claim your receipts. When filing your taxes, you will need to confirm if this is possible.

Registered Therapeutic Counsellors may be covered by many insurance companies. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Please check local counseling regulations before booking. This helps in determining if coaching or another approach is better.

Counselling is a one-on-one partnership that helps clients identify and achieve their personal or professional goals. It involves exploring strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to facilitate personal growth and self-improvement.

The Mindfulness Growth Program is a structured program designed to help individuals develop greater self-awareness, emotional resilience, and mental clarity. It incorporates mindfulness practices, meditation, and cognitive exercises to enhance well-being and reduce stress.

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses the power of suggestion to help clients access their subconscious mind. It can address various issues, including stress, anxiety, phobias, addiction, weight loss, and more.

The Health and Wellness Program is a holistic approach to improving physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It may include customized nutrition and exercise plans, stress management techniques, and guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Root-cause Therapy for Children is tailored specifically for the unique developmental and emotional needs of children. This therapy aims to identify the underlying issues affecting a child’s emotional well-being and supports them in developing healthy coping strategies and resilience.

A referral is not necessary to begin any of our services. Simply contact us to schedule an initial consultation, and we will help you determine the most suitable program for your needs.

Session length varies depending on the specific service, but typically range from 45-90 minutes. The number of sessions required depends on the individual’s needs and goals, which will be discussed during the initial consultation.

Yes, counselling can be beneficial for individuals facing career transitions or job-related challenges. A personal coach can help you explore your strengths, interests, and values, and support you in developing a strategic plan to achieve your career goals.

The Mindfulness Growth Program is designed to accommodate individuals at various stages of their mindfulness journey, including beginners. The program offers guidance and support to help participants develop their mindfulness practice at their own pace.

Root-cause Therapy focuses on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of emotional, psychological, or behavioral issues, rather than solely addressing the symptoms. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of the issue and promotes long-lasting change.

Yes, hypnotherapy can be effective for children and adolescents when administered by a trained professional. The techniques can be adapted to suit the age and cognitive development of the child, helping them to overcome a range of issues, such as anxiety, phobias, and behavioral problems.

The Health and Wellness Program can be tailored to accommodate individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine, and our program can be adjusted to align with any medical recommendations.

Root-cause Therapy for Children not only focuses on the child’s emotional well-being, but also provides support and guidance for parents and caregivers. This can include offering strategies for improving communication, understanding the child’s emotions and behaviors, and fostering a more nurturing home environment.

To determine the best fit for your needs, we recommend scheduling an initial consultation.